all postcodes in PH8 / DUNKELD

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH8 0AA 29 4 56.559733 -3.579013
PH8 0AB 2 1 56.561047 -3.584454
PH8 0AD 15 1 56.561881 -3.586102
PH8 0AE 9 1 56.562375 -3.584007
PH8 0AF 26 0 56.562191 -3.585773
PH8 0AG 7 0 56.568558 -3.588123
PH8 0AH 16 9 56.565372 -3.585611
PH8 0AJ 13 4 56.565475 -3.586106
PH8 0AL 1 1 56.565495 -3.58596
PH8 0AN 12 3 56.565806 -3.586884
PH8 0AP 7 0 56.565035 -3.58747
PH8 0AQ 6 5 56.565142 -3.58469
PH8 0AR 39 11 56.566234 -3.585712
PH8 0AT 5 1 56.56626 -3.586445
PH8 0AW 28 2 56.5652 -3.587949
PH8 0AX 4 0 56.569013 -3.589053
PH8 0AY 17 0 56.568567 -3.586707
PH8 0AZ 16 0 56.569475 -3.584513
PH8 0BA 44 2 56.565455 -3.582768
PH8 0BB 6 0 56.567271 -3.586197